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Xeonon Solomon heading to a meeting


Xeonon was born to a middle class family who soon lost all their money and were forced to sell him into slavery after his father died, and his mother developed a drug habit. Xeonons owner was good to him and treated him like family for a while, until i was caught in bed with his eldest daughter. From there Ryan branded his face, to teach him his place. Eventually he escaped with Kayla the daughter and we went to her uncles where I recieved his first lightsabers. In the middle of the night Xeonon tried to leave but Kayla caught him, he stabbed her and ran.Finding himself on a wooded part of Bakura he burned off the brand on his face leaving him horribly disfigured. From here he managed to find a way to survive on Bakura where he met Gabriel Solomon, who brought him in and gave him a reason. He made Xeonon an Imperial Knight and set me off to cature an agent of the Black Sun. Before he could rest there was a terrorist attack on Aaragu where he was blown through a window and lost his right eye. Following a kidnapping by the Liberty Union they were completly destroyed and he managed to escape. After being trained by the grandmaster of the order Xeonon was summoned to see Valastoral Horica who made him an Inguisitor, thus making me the first Inquisitorial Knight. During an expidition to the unknown reasons his left arm to a disgruntled father looking for his children, it was replaced onboard the ship by the one thing avaliable had a repulse hand. After the death of Ronan Fel there was a lack of people to take control of the empire so Xeonon stepped up until a more suitable person stepped up. In my time as steward of the empire some of the scaring on my face was fixed and ceased to wear my eye patch. During my time as head of state I also took control of Solomon Mines a local mining company where he was once again kidnapped and had most of his force power stripped of me. Xeonons only solace was that they augmented him with cybernetics to keep him on par with his original power. Returning to the Fel Empire Xeonon worked tirelessly to improve the infrastructure of the empire. At the same time he was also working to secure the Republic against the enviable Sith Empire attack. As he spent his days doing this he was attacked by an old friend who had turned to the Sith although he easily defeated Jayden he still managed to get away with the cloning pods. After this attack he actively pursued infiltrating the Sith Empire via his Imperial Knights. 

Early Life

Born to Merssiah and Fredric Solomon in 140 ABY Xeonons upbringing was not an easy one. Birthed from his mothers womb and the ship Advent, they landed on a backwater planet where his parents aspired to bring him up away from the savagry of the universe. This failed when at age 8 his father died at the local pub over a dispute of 13 credits. Still a child and not understanding his father had died Xeonon watched in silence as one parent left him in body, and the other left him in spirit. His mother heartbroken by the loss of his father took to exotic spices to escape the harsh reality that she now lived in, but the real world caught up to her as well. As her Spice habits got worse she began to sink deeper and deeper into debt until the day came where she sold him into slavery to fuel her habit. 

Life as a Slave

Xeonon after two years at age 10 finally stopped shuffelling hands from owner to owner, as he came under the ownership of a man he only knew as Ryan. Compared to the rest of his life, this man was a godsend and gave Xeonon the hope that some day he would no longer be treated like dirt. For years he served under Ryan, treated almost like a son but even that had to end; Ryans eldest daughter Kayla had taken a liking to Xeonon and after years of meeting secretly they were found out. When Ryan saw Xeonon bedding his daughter he was furious and grabbing Xeonon by the hair dragged him to the slave quarters and branded his face. Now things for Xeonon were hell as he was treated like dirt once more, confined to his quarters and only allowed out to serve his master it was here that he found out about his force sensitivity. 

One night stuck in his room he imagined that he could open the bolt outside the door, as he thought about this he felt every muscle he had burn and heard a clank from outside the door. Dread filled him as he assumed that either he would have to do Ryans bidding, or a beating was about to happen. As the seconds turned to minutes and no one entered the room Xeonon stood up and walked to the door and pushed; amazed he found it unlocked. Running to Kaylas room he ran head first into Ryan causing both to stumble back. At that moment he thought about pushing Ryan through a wall and BOOM thats what happened. The man plummeted to his death. 

Early Training

Escaping with Kayla, the two went to her uncles in another system, where upon hearing of her daughters lovers affinity to the force; he gave Xeonon his first lightsabers. As it turns out this man was an ex-Imperial Knight who had been discharged from service. He had seen Fel turning to the darkside and tried to stop it, but was expelled for his words but was allowed to keep his lightsabers due to his years of service. For months Xeonon trained under him strengthening both body and mind. It was here that Xeonon learned to control his force sensitivity and fight with a blade. Yet once again this port in the storm ended. One night he awoke and was compelled to leave, and thats what he did. It killed him but he knew that if he did not his past would hurt both Kayla and his master. Stealing their ship Xeonon crashed on Bakura where he removed his branding to replace it was its own scarring. 

Joining the Imperial Knights

Since leaving Kayla and her uncle Xeonon had scraped a living on the Imperial world of Bakura and on his 16th birthday he went to a local bar to celebrate. Mid drink the bar exploded into chaos three Droidikas popped up and started killing innocents knocking a pile of them on Xeonon where he plotted to kill them. Just as he was about to act a blind man who had been drinking stood up and in a matter of seconds destroyed the droids. Walking up to thank the man, after a few insults a brutal fight began where Xeonon a young buck fought a man in his late 60s. After a few minutes both men passed out. Upon waking Xeonon and the man shared a drink, where it was revealed that this man was the Rex Imperitor of the Fel Empire. 

Accepting his invitation to join them Xeonon ventured to the Deep Core where he participated in the capture or kill one of the last Black Sun operatives Trey. After capturing the man, Xeonon brought him back to Aaragua; only to be sent to formal training under the Grand Master himself. 

Life on Khomm

The Imperial Knights training grounds was on the planet where nothing happened. Khomm, a world of cloners who had reached the pinnical of their civilization thousands of years ago, a place where the Force was thought of as a genetic flaw. It was here that Xeonon trained under Kryn, commonly known as the Crimson Knight. Because of his training Xeonon needed very little training and excelled at both blade work to the point where he was able to fight multiple members of the order alone. 


The right side of his face has a huge scar on it from burning off his branding, the right eye is missing with an eye patch over the synthetic eye. 6 feet tall weights 235 pounds Xeonon has a few extra pounds on him but is still as fit as an ox keeping up with a strict regiment. More often than not Xeonon has some form of facial hair but it changes contstantly Wears Imperial Knight Armour in combat situations, but in all other cases he can be found wearing a tanned Bantha hide trench coat with the Solomon insignia on the back. Knee high steel tipped leather boots and a orange fighting suit underneath. Growing out his black hair the curls usually drive him insane as the hair touches the insides of his ears, and keeps it up. Left arm is covered in a long glove to hide his cybernetic arm.


Two curved silver lightsabers taken from Kaylas Unlce. On his left arm there is a Neuro Shock hand that was given to him when stolen by the members of Cerberus. After his capture by Cerberus Xeonon took to using slugthrowers including the Imperial Heavy Repeater, a Blaster Buster and a .48 Caliber pistol. In addition to these weapons his eyes had been replaced with Hi Sense Enhanced Eyes, and a cardio-muscular package was given to him which increased both his speed and stength.
