Jedi vs Sith Wiki


There are a few policies which apply across all Wikia. These can be found on the Central Wikia at Wikia:Category:Policy.

Other policies that apply to this Wiki:


We are not a mirror of Wookieepedia. We provide additional information where it is relevant to the Jedi vs Sith Roleplaying/Collaborative fiction site.

Links should be made frequently to Wookieepedia, for topics where this wiki has nothing to add.

For topics that you wish to elaborate on the Wooki article, please link to the wooki article, and have your article only contain JvS relevant information.

  • It is preferable to link directly to the Wookiee articles rather than to rely on redirection pages, as the redirects to external wikis do not work correctly. This is done like a normal link but includes the wiki name, in this case "Starwars": [[Starwars:Palpatine]] would link to Palpatine on Wookieepedia.


Do not simply remove all content from a page without reason. If you wish to delete an article, submit a deletion request with a good reason, and your request will be dealt with by an admin.

User Pages

Ideally, user pages should describe you, the editor/author, and a separate page be created for your character. This is not currently rigidly enforced.

  • However, your user page should remain free of junk or spam. If you wish to keep information to the side, please use the talk pages of the relevant articles.

Unacceptable conduct

If you go against our policies, you will first be told and warned. If you continue, a month ban will be applied. If you re-offend on your return, a permanent ban may be used.


Any user or IP address spamming this wiki will be instantly perma-banned.

Policy Creation

Other policies for this Wikia should be decided by the wiki community. It's generally best to keep policies as simple as possible, and not to introduce too many rules. A growing wiki can usually do well with a few simple policies and a lot of goodwill and cooperation.

Adding [[Category:Policy]] to any policy pages will add them to the policy category. This is found here.

See also Jedi vs Sith Wiki:Simplified ruleset
