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==Deception on Anobis==
==Deception at Anobis==
Jason received a summons's to head to the Emerald Order's headquarters on Anobis being told that they needed him for a meeting. Jason arrived to find a woman baring his path. She could not be felt in the force and the moment Jason inquired as to her intentions his entire world went dark and he blacked out. When he came to he was bound and gagged on a freighter bound for Kashyyyk. Brimstone had put a bounty on Jason's head the bounty hunters had come to collect. Through the efforts of the Emerald Order and Jason's close friend Vander Winsome, Jason was able to escape the freighter and found himself back on Anobis. This time however he was found that he was being regarded as a traitor to the Order and was going to exiled from the Jedi. Confused and slightly hurt by what the people he thought were his friends assumed he did Jason initially resisted. But in the end he decided that he would not kill any of his allies. Despite what they thought of him.
Jason received a summons's to head to the Emerald Order's headquarters on Anobis being told that they needed him for a meeting. Jason arrived to find a woman baring his path. She could not be felt in the force and the moment Jason inquired as to her intentions his entire world went dark and he blacked out. When he came to he was bound and gagged on a freighter bound for Kashyyyk. Brimstone had put a bounty on Jason's head the bounty hunters had come to collect. Through the efforts of the Emerald Order and Jason's close friend Vander Winsome, Jason was able to escape the freighter and found himself back on Anobis. This time however he was found that he was being regarded as a traitor to the Order and was going to exiled from the Jedi. Confused and slightly hurt by what the people he thought were his friends assumed he did Jason initially resisted. But in the end he decided that he would not kill any of his allies. Despite what they thought of him.

Revision as of 17:25, 29 June 2009

"Dead? I haven't died lately that I know of..."

-Jason speaking to Xerxan after being he was assumed to of died.

Jason Alexander Dramon
Biographical information

29 ABY

Physical description





1.82 meters

Hair color

Dirty Brown

Eye color


Skin color


Chronological and political information
Known masters
Known apprentices
  • Thomas Greyland
  • Sophia Dramon
  • Stridal
  • Jacob Lios

Jason Alexander Dramon was a Jedi Master and exceptional force user from the planet Coruscant. From an early age Jason would deal with the conflicting senses of darkness from his father and mother and their Sith teachings and his own internal wish to do what was right and just. At the age of 13 he was secretly the padawan of his grandfather. Vrion Dramon, a Jedi survivor of the clone wars. At the age of 27 he became a Jedi Knight and at 30 he became a Jedi Master. Despite his devotion to do what was right Jason still felt the pull of the dark side his entire life and waged a personal battle with it his entire life.

Early Life


Jason at age 12

Born to Sith parents Jason grew up on Coruscant learning nothing of the light side and as a result spent much of his childhood exploiting and harming those around him to gain power and status in the eyes of his mother, Julia Dramon and his father Vincent Dramon. At the age of 9 Jason was exposed to his grandfather, Vrion Dramon, who was the only in the family to turn away from the Sith beliefs and walk a different path. After learning of the Jedi and the Light side Jason found the internal strength to cast aside almost 100 years of Sith teaching in his family and take the first step towards being a Jedi his sister soon joined him and together they spent the next 9 years silently learning all they could about the Jedi way while displaying only what their parents wanted to see. At the age of 13 Viron took Jason on as his apprentice and took him throughout Coruscant teaching him different force abilities and skills that he had learned in his life. Jason quickly became adept at what he was taught. What he lacked in swordsmanship he made up for in sheer force power. At the age of 16 Jason's father presented Jason with a black bladed lightsaber that had been handed down throughout the years in their family. It was meant to symbolize a true Sith in means of power and skill. Jason knew immediately what he would do with his new blade and vowed that it would now only be used for the good of others and no longer to bring darkness. It was at this point the Jason's sister, Sophia Dramon, began to feel the first signs of what his brother was doing and the light side resonating inside him. Jason began secretly training Sophia with everything Viron had taught him. A year later Viron died his final words asking that Jason and Sophia carry on the Jedi tradition and never to give into the inner demons that he knew plagued them both. Jason would watch with amazement and a deep feeling of sorrow as his first master became one with the force.

Escape from Coruscant

"I will never be like you. I will not allow myself to become such a monster." -Jason speaking to his father.

Fleeing of Coruscant

Jason fleeing Coruscant

At the age of 17 Jason and his sister were joined by two of Jason's oldest force sensitive friends, Thomas Greyland and Jacob Lios. Lios and Sophia soon started a romantic relationship and at her 19th birthday William and Vance were conceived. The day of Jason's 18th birthday was the day Jason chose to confront his parents about his beliefs. In the initial confrontation his mother left in rage while his father proceeded to attempt to beat Jason for defying him. Jason fought back prompting Vincent to pull a lightsaber on Jason and attacking him narrowly killing him. Jason fought back and a fierce dual began between the two. Sophia, Thomas and Jacob arrived midway through the fight and assisted Jason against the Sith guards Vincent had at his command. Jason was heavily outmatched against his father and was quickly beaten but before his father could deliver the death blow he was stopped by Jason's grandfather. The two joined in combat buying the four companions time to escape the Dramon compound and to the hanger. As the four entered space they were engaged by Sith forces and were forced to fight their way out. A interdictor went up on a space station near their escape area. Jason told the others to make a run for it while he brought the field down. But after infiltrating the station and reaching the interdictor control room he was confronted by his mother. He quickly brought down the field prompting Lios and Greyland to jump to hyperspace. But Vincent Dramon intercepted Sophia's starfighter before it could jump and damaged it forcing Sophia to return planet side and fall into hiding.

The proceeding duel between Jason and his mother was one that Jason would eventually win through sheer determination rather than actual skill. Towards the end of the duel Julia lunged at Jason prompting Jason to bring his saber up to defend himself. But Julia wasnt expecting the abrupt moving of the saber and she fell through it killing her instantly. Jason stood in shock as he looked at the dead form of his mother and was about to grieve when a very angered Lucas Dramon appeared out of hiding and proceeded to attack his brother with all his strength. The abrupt attack from Lucas caused Jason to flee the room and a desperate running battle began as Jason headed for his fighter. Upon reaching the hanger he found his father waiting for him. Pinned in on both sides Jason prepared to fight to the death when the station suddenly rocked from an attack and threw Jason off his feet and threw his blade into the distance. Meanwhile outside Lios and Greyland has returned and were engaged in a losing battle against three squadrons of TIE Defenders as well as trying to damage the station. Vincent brought his saber to his son's throat and began urging him to turn to the darkside. He cared not for the death of his wife or the betrayer of his son. He saw all these as signs of strength of the Sith line within his son. Jason however refused to join with his father and using his emotions to strengthen him he blasted his father back with unusual strength and dove to his blade upon getting to his feet he found his father standing before him with two ignited crimson lightsabers. He told Jason that if he was not going to join him then he would die. The father and son charged at one another in a desperate duel to defeat the other. Outside Lios's fighter was damaged and the two began to find themselves on the defensive more and more. Jason and Vincent continued the duel but Jason was outmatched his father held years more of experience than he did and he found that for every single advance he made Vincent made three more. He also could feel that Lios and Greyland were running out of time. After a powerful blast of Force Lightning from his father and slamming into his starfighter Jason would unleash his full rage and desperation in a powerful Force Scream that slammed his father back into the bulkhead and gave Jason time to escape aboard his fighter and head right into the deepest part of the fight. Joined by their friend the three made a desperate run out of the system and barely made it in time as a several frigates arrived to block off their escape.

Rebirth at Alderaan


Jason, age 25

After a year of traveling the universe, Jason and his two companions found their way to Alderaan where they made a home it wasn't until the age of 27 did Jason finally reach the level of Jedi Knight and set off into the Galaxy to make a difference. After joining the Alderaan Defense Forces Jason began to fight for others on various battle's throughout the galaxy. Anobis, Dantooine, Coruscant, Mon Cal and many other planets would soon be places Jason would rise to the defnese of as he gather more and more forces to defend Jedi held planets. On Alderaan he met Owen Kenobi, a figure who would hold a constant image of power and knowledge to Jason. Owen named Jason Prime Minister of Alderaan and he worked to bring peace and tranquility to the planet.

Jason's love for Alderaan led him to join the Alderaan military and quickly he raised through the ranks until he was the leader of the Orbital forces. During an attack on Alderaan, Jason left Greyland in command of the defending fleet and went ground side to assist in the defense of the capitol only to have his face and body horribly burned. After joining the Alderaan Defense Forces Jason began to fight for others on various battle's throughout the galaxy. Anobis, Dantooine, Coruscant, Mon Cal and many other planets would soon be places Jason would rise to the defense of as he would gather more and more forces to defend Jedi held planets.

Birth of a Jedi Master

As the galaxy was plunged into a war that spread across planets like wildfire Jason knew that he while he was confident in his abilities he had more to learn. So in secret he entered the Alderaan Jedi Academy and spent the better part of two years training his body and mind. During that time he would occasionally depart on mission's he found vital to Alderaan. One of which was a meeting taking place on Mon Calamari in which he was ambushed by a Sith Lord and two Sith Warriors. After besting them in a show of strength in the force Jason escaped the planet only through the timely arrival of Jacob Lios with a transport. After which Jason headed to Fondor to speak with several friends. It was there he found himself amidst Jedi, his peers stood around him as they judged him worthy to hold the title of Jedi Master. Jason would later depart Fondor with a new sense of pride and self-worth. After being named a master Jason would return to Alderaan to assist Owen in the defense of the planet as the TTSE (The True Sith Empire) attacked. When Jason and his fleet arrived at Alderaan he found a desperate defense being waged against the defense fleet's and the TTSE attacking forces. Jason immediately ordered the attack on the enemy fleets and with the added firepower he succeeded in driving back the TTSE. However the victory would be short lived as more TTSE reinforcements would arrive and Jason would find himself outmatched in firepower and numbers. Reluctantly he and Owen agreed to a surrender and a truce was called. After speaking with the leaders of the TTSE Alderaan was divded into two halfs. The Eastern half would belong to the Jedi and Allied forces while the Western half would belong to the TTSE and its allies, the area in between would become a DMZ patrolled by both factions on their side.

After the division of Alderaan Jason was given command of the Western Alliance's Garrison and was responsible for holding the Western side against the Sith forces. After a few months Jason began to notice that the garrison on the Eastern Side of the planet was thinner than normal. He realized that if they invaded now then they held a chance to reclaim the planet. He immediately brought everything they had on the planet to bear on the TTSE forces. The combined Republic and Alderaan Forces stormed the DMZ and continued on to retake the planet for the Jedi. Meanwhile in orbit Admiral Louis Trayt and Jacob Lios would mount a desperate strike against the stronger TTSE forces. Through the element of surprise and the timely arrival of New Republic and Jedi reinforcements Trayt and Lios were able to force the TTSE out of the system and the seperation of Alderaan came to a close.

Departure from Alderaan

"Jason.... life is not about what people think we are..... life is about the choices we make in life...don't ever...become like him..." -Greyland's dying words to Jason

After the fall of the TTSE and the reunification of Alderaan things began to deteriorate for Jason. It began with the destruction of his fleet at Dantooine and the death of Greyland on Alderaan at the hands of his own father. That death would continue to haunt him for the rest of his life. After Greyland's death Jason would sink into a deep depression and wouldnt recover from it for the next year. After which he would return to his seat as the Prime Minister. After returning to office he would meet Arhiia Concordia and a romance would form between the two. This would continue on and Arhiia would learn that she was pregnant with his son. As the two discussed what would happen next they were interrupted by the arrival of Omega and his fleet. Arhiia arrived with him and while the battle raged Omega used Jason's feelings for Arhiia against him and caused Jason to surrender to Omega by threatening Arhiia's life. Faced between the destruction of both the planet he loved and the woman he loved he would decide ultimately to surrender the planet to Omega. The two negotiated and then agreed that everyone on the planet had one week to evacuate the planet. However once the truce came to completion one of Omega's fleet commander's decided to fire on Dramon's flagship and fatally damaged the ship. Jason began evacuation of the ship as the first shot hit his ship. But during the evacuation a support structure fell and trapped Lios and Dramon on the bridge of the doomed ship. A lost battle waged outside between Omega's forces and what was left of Jason's defense fleet. Knowing that his men would die a useless death Jason used the force to slam Lios into the last remaining escape pod. He knew the pod didnt have the power or air to support both him and Lios so he sacrificed himself in order to let his friend live. As he stood on the burning bridge and stared out into the starfield he re-connected the force bond that Arhiia and he shared. He would send out feelings of absolute love to the woman as the ship began to explode around him and Jason would know only darkness. In the aftermath of the battle Jason's body could not be found in the wreckage and it was assumed he was killed in the following explosion. Owen would go on to name Dramon an enemy of Alderaan, he viewed Jason's decision one of complete betrayal saying that Jason should of fought to the last man to preserve his home.

Rebel Dream's Destruction

Descent into darkness

In the aftermath of the attack reinforcements from sevral Jedi and Republic forces arrived and ended up beating Omega's forces back. But unknown to others part of Omega's plan were successful and Jason had lived from the destruction of the Rebel Dream.

Jason awoke in a familiar place and knew that he was in Arhiia's private palace. As he tried to peace together the events leading up to his current situation Arhiia arrived and proceeded to taunt and demoralize Jason. She was the one the ended up revealing that his child was dead and that she loved another. Though emotionally destroyed and physically beaten Jason continued to resist her attempts to change him. After awhile Arhiia would leave Jason in his broken and emotionally destroyed state. As Jason would slowly attempt to hold onto his sanity Arhiia would again approach him but this time she would show regret for what had happened and attempted to console him. But Jason resisted her attempts not knowing if this was genuine affection or if this was another attempt to break him of his sanity. He once again forced her away and began to sink into his own darkness feeling hatred and anger rise within him.

Just as Jason began to gather his strength and feel he was getting good enough to escape Omega himself arrived and proceeded to torture Jason mercilessly. After near constant barrages of physical attacks and force lightning Jason still resisted Omega matching his every threat with one of sarcasm and mirth. Eventually Omega departed and Jason was left to his own pain and hatred. Jason would look up and see Arhiia still there and he began congratulating her on her betrayal. He knew that obviously there love meant nothing and that she was not the woman he thought she was. Arhiia snapped out of the darkness she was lost in and helped Jason escape the facility.

Zhar and Fondor

It took Jason a week to recover from the physical damage from the explosion of his flagship and the torture. The emotional damage from what had occurred from seeing Arhiia and Omega together and the things she did to him would plague him for some time longer. After being found adrift in space in the Unknown Regions by one of his passing patrols. Jason was shipped back to Alderaan and dropped in a bacta tank for his injuries. He emerged from the tank a day before the ship arrived and he landed planetside expecting to be greeted warmly by his friends and allies. However when he arrived he was greeted with soldiers demanding he hand over his weapons. He had no knowledge that Alderaan now viewed him with contempt for what happened. Jason accepted their request and was arrested and charged with grand treason. In respect for all that he had done for Alderaan he was exiled from the planet instead of imprisoned.

Jason took the remnants of his fleet and took up the New Republics offer for heading up Zhar. He arrived at the gas giant to find that there was not much going on. After making himself at home on the Citadel station and setting up the patrols for his fleet he began mining operations and other trade to establish a source of income. Zhar gave Jason the chance he needed to regroup and heal. Jason remained on Zhar for the better part of a half year until he received an offer to move on to taking command of Fondor and her shipyards.

Marriage and Fear

A year after taking control of the Fondor shipyards Jason would found himself being faced by a younger woman. He could feel the dark side resonating from the younger woman but when he touched her mind he could feel something far beyond anything Jason had ever felt in his life. He felt pure love towards the female before him and he had no idea why. During the course of their talk he found out her name was Lightning Valentine, a rouge Sith Bounty Hunter that had come to kill him and reap the bounty that was on Jason's head. But as the moment came she felt the same feelings that Jason had and could not bring herself to kill him. The two quickly became involved with one another and fell in love. A bond formed between the two that had become stronger and stronger as the two spent time together.

They would soon marry on Fondor. That night as the two were preparing to spend their honeymoon night together Stridal, Jason's apprentice attacked the two. Jason emerged in only half armour to defend his home and wife. The frantic battle that resulted was won by Jason ultimately through using Stridal's feelings against him and temporarily restoring him to the light side.

A month later Jason and Lightning would learn that Lightning was pregnant and was going to give birth to a son. With this new joy it seemed that life was finally coming together for the Jedi Master. But fate would play another cruel joke on the man.

Deception at Anobis

Jason received a summons's to head to the Emerald Order's headquarters on Anobis being told that they needed him for a meeting. Jason arrived to find a woman baring his path. She could not be felt in the force and the moment Jason inquired as to her intentions his entire world went dark and he blacked out. When he came to he was bound and gagged on a freighter bound for Kashyyyk. Brimstone had put a bounty on Jason's head the bounty hunters had come to collect. Through the efforts of the Emerald Order and Jason's close friend Vander Winsome, Jason was able to escape the freighter and found himself back on Anobis. This time however he was found that he was being regarded as a traitor to the Order and was going to exiled from the Jedi. Confused and slightly hurt by what the people he thought were his friends assumed he did Jason initially resisted. But in the end he decided that he would not kill any of his allies. Despite what they thought of him.

A trial would follow soon after and in that time Jason was able to prove that Omega had lied about him passing information to him about the Jedi movements and he urged the council to realize that there was a traitor amongst them. Despite being found innocent for his crimes Jason left the Emerald Order. He knew their time was coming and he did not want to be attached to an organization that was too high and mighty to listen to its own members.

Assassination attempt on Lightning

While on Anobis, Lightning would attending to a three month old Viron. Jason had left behind Lios to watch over her and his son while he was away. A week after Jason had departed strange men appeared at Jason's house and attacked Lightning. After barely fighting them off Lightning made a frantic comm to Lios for help just as another wave of attackers arrived. Battered and hurt Lightning fought them off as best she could but ultimately fell. Just as they were about to arrive Lios arrived with a platoon of Clone commando's. They swept into the house and beat the aggressors back. But not before Lios and Lightning got the message that someone was gunning for their heads.

Jason arrived back on Fondor soon afterwards to find his wife badly hurt and his home all but destroyed. Fearing another attack on his wife and family he made the decision for them to fall back into the unknown regions until he could figure out who was behind this.